How to Pose For Pictures: 5 Ways to Pose For an Engagement Photoshoot

Inspiration on How to Pose For Pictures From Our Latest Engagement Photoshoot

Not all of us are natural models in front of the camera and need a little inspiration on how to pose for pictures. You know what? That’s okay! In this blog I’ll give you 5 ways to pose for an engagement photoshoot based off of a beautiful client we just recently had. She was a natural!

1. Pay Attention to Your Posture

No one wants to receive their photos and realize that their shoulders were slouched the whole time and stomach was pushed out. You want those photos to look stunning. Stand in a mirror and practice good posture so you know what it should feel like in front of the camera.

The camera doesn’t have to “add 10lbs”. To look taller and leaner, keep your abs tight by pulling them in and push your shoulders back.

2. Stay in The Moment While Being Aware of Your Body

During your engagement photoshoot, you want the natural moments of love captured between you and your soon-to-be spouse. So, talk with your spouse, laugh, hug, kiss, stare into each other’s eyes like you’re not being watched.

I know, awkward. But, the more you can focus on each other and not on me, the engagement photographer, the more we can capture the love you have for each other. Of course, you still need to be mindful of your body to keep the straight lines and beautiful posture. The soon-to-be bride Kaylan, did an excellent job of this and her fiance Sam joined right in!

3. Pay Attention to Your Facial Expressions

Again, you can practice this in the mirror, just like your posture. You want to smile in your photos but you don’t want to look too cheesy. You may also want some photos with a closed mouth, but you don’t want to come off looking angry… especially during your engagement photo session.

Don’t strain your face too much while smiling, keep it soft and natural looking. Tilting your head down slightly will also give your eyes a wide bright look. To change up your face a little, try smirking or giving a soft smile to avoid looking angry.

4. Exude Confidence!

It takes a little bit of confidence to shine through during your photo shoot for the best pictures. Not all of us are THAT comfortable in our skin, don’t worry, I have some tips for you to feel your best during your engagement photo shoot.

  1. Pick out your outfit, hair style, and makeup in advance. Make sure the chosen outfit fits correctly and is comfortable. If you have the budget, splurge on professional hair and makeup. Feeling comfortable and glamorous will give your confidence a major boost.

  2. Talk yourself up; speak life over yourself. “I am beautiful,” “I look stunning,” “I am worthy of this pampering.”

  3. Listen to some of your favorite music that pumps you up and makes you feel great! That mood will reflect in your pictures.

Check out Kaylan, she is the picture of exuding confidence!

5. Trust Your Photographer’s Leading

Before you take this advice, make sure you did your homework before picking a photographer. When you know you have a great, experienced photographer, then trust their leading. A good photographer won’t leave you hanging to figure out what to do with your body yourself.

I pose and encourage my clients to make them feel comfortable and confident during their photo shoot. I see what’s going on behind the lens and make sure my clients get the best version of themselves in their photographs when we’re done.

I hope these 5 ways to pose for an engagement photoshoot gave you some much needed inspiration on how to pose for pictures. If you’d like more ideas, check out our gallery here. If you want more assistance in posing for the best photo session, give us a call to set up your photo shoot. We’ll help you every step of the way.

Contact us at 505.903.2195 or